Wortelkamp, Erwin

Beiträge von: Artist; edited by the Goethe-Institut Senegal; contributions by Uwe Rieken and Roland Dorn
Erwin Wortelkamp - dort und hier

ErscheinungsdatumFeb. 2011
Technische DetailsEnglish broschure
Format23.5 x 16.5 cm


18.00 €
“dort und hier” (there and here) documents a journey to Dakar in Senegal made by the artist Erwin Wortelkamp, as well as an exhibition that took place in his depot in Weyerbusch. The comprehensive illustrations are accompanied by an informative conversation with Uwe Rieken, Head of the Senegalese Goethe-Institut and host during the artist’s journey. With this, the artist’s intensions become clear and understandable. Illustrations of works from the 1970s and ‘80s made with clay, loam or bricks are contrasted on a formal level with delicate painted iron works from 1985. Embossed prints from the 1990s complement the optical context. Antique terracotta vessels from the Wortelkamp collection and several contributions by contemporary artists from Senegal intensify the total impression. A special feature of the book are the illustrations depicting numerous “in situ” works in Dakar or in the surrounding landscape. What is more, the book also introduces several African artists, who helped Wortelkamp and created their own works within the context of his concept.