Maja Behrmann, Jonathan Bragdon, Ralf Brög, Dominik Geis, Gunther Keusen, Claudia von Koolwijk, Thomas Musehold, Oliver Schuß, Susanne Themlitz, Claudia de la Torre, Laude Yu

Contributors: Gerhard Theewen
Salon No. 21

Release dateDez. 2022
Technical Details116 pages illustrated in b&w
Format21 x 14,8

Sold out

15.00 €
Salon N0.21 contains a collection of pictoral essays especially made for the magazine by Maja Behrmann, Jonathan Bragdon, Ralf Brög, Dominik Geis, Gunther Keusen, Claudia von Koolwijk, Thomas Musehold, Oliver Schuß, Susanne Themlitz, Claudia de la Torre, Laude Yu