Newman, Chris

Beiträge von: Künstler: Chris Newman; herausgegeben von Gerhard Theewen; Beiträge von Christopher Sweet und Daniel Charles
Itself With It

ErscheinungsdatumNov. 2012
SprachenDeutsch; Englisch
Technische DetailsEnglisch Broschur
Format21,0 x 29,7 cm


24.00 €
This book is a hybrid, a cross between an artist’s book and a book about an artist. It deals with all aspects of Chris Newman’s work from 1980 through 1994, including music, poetry, painting and video. The 4 central chapters draw examples from work in these various media, with numerous illustrations and writings by the artist concerning the respective media or technique. Two additional chapters, more “scholarly” in nature, were written by Christopher Sweet (painting) and Daniel Charles (music). ERRATUM: Fälschlicherweise wird unter “Lektorat/Proofreading” Joan-Catharine Ritter genannt!